Saline Middle School Hornet Highlights for Sunday, April 25, 2021
Principal's Message: On Friday, April 23rd, Dr. Laatsch released a community message to SAS families. Please take a few minutes to read the links below. As a school district and a community, our focus is unity and growth and our responsibility to engage in constructive dialogue. Thank you to all Saline Middle School families for taking the time to read the important messages below. From Dr. Laatsch, Interim Superintendent: We know that the SAS Community (and the world) have been following the trial of Derek Chauvin. The loss of George Floyd was tragic and heartbreaking. The impact that this has had on society, in particular people of color, has been extremely significant. Now is a time to unite as a Saline community as we move forward. Please read the following press releases that speak to Saline Area Schools’ partnerships: Saline Area Schools Partners With Local Police to Better Support Students Washtenaw Superintendents’ Association Issues Statement on the ...