Saline Middle School Hornet Highlights for Sunday, August 30, 2020
Principal's Message:
As we begin to think about schedule pick-up and pictures, please keep the following in mind:
For the health and safety of our students, the local public health department requires students to be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 before entering the school building. The local public health department and CDC do not recommend that on site screening be conducted by schools due to the time and interruption to education this would cause.
We ask that you complete the steps of the student screening protocol below, prior to sending your child to school, school activities, or sports. Your completion of these steps affirms your understanding and agreement to perform daily symptom screenings for your child. If you answer "yes" to any of the questions below, or if your child's temperature is 100.4 F or higher, DO NOT send your child to school.
Fever or chills?
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?
Muscle or body aches?
Loss of taste or smell?
Sore throat?
Congestion or runny nose?
Nausea or vomiting?
We need your commitment to screen your child(ren) daily for the 2020-2021 school year, unless otherwise directed. Please also understand and commit to call Saline Area Schools as soon as possible to let them know if your child is not going to school due to potential COVID-19 symptoms.
Important/New Information:
1. Picture Day, Schedule*/Technology/Woodshop/Heritage items/Yearbook Pick-Up
Saline Middle School is scheduling picture day, schedule/technology*/woodshop/yearbook pick up on the following days:
Tuesday, September 1st from 8-4 pm 6th grade (ALL 6th Grade) and 8th grade letters A-M.
Thursday, September 3rd from 8-4pm 7th grade (ALL 7th Grade) and 8th grade letters N-Z.
*Schedule will have teacher information as well as username and password information!
We are encouraging a paperless system so please order pictures at
Update: The access code is: FN694ET2
You also do not need the teacher name; simply leave this as "unknown."
We are working on a new flow as we generated a different system. Here is the slide show describing the flow pattern.
*Please note that all 7th and 8th graders will receive a device. 6th graders will receive one IF they replied to the survey or send an email to either Laura ( or Alex ( If you are a 6th grade family still in need of a device please let us know.
2. 6th Grade Virtual WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) Day will be held on Thursday, September 3rd from 9-10:15 am.
6th Grade Orientation Zoom Meetings will be sent to student and parent email addresses by the classroom teacher. If anyone does not receive this information through their classroom teacher, please contact
4. Saline Middle School will be hosting a blood drive on Wednesday, September 23rd
Upcoming Dates:
Monday, August 31-Thursday, September 3rd: Welcome Week!
Tuesday, September 1st: 8-4 pm ALL of 6th grade and 8th grade letters A-M.
Tuesday, September 8th: First Day of School (Clink link for schedule)
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