Saline Middle School Hornet Highlights: September 27, 2020
SALINE MIDDLE SCHOOL HORNET HIGHLIGHTS: SEPTEMBER 27, 2020 WHAT FAMILIES NEED TO KNOW BEFORE SEPTEMBER 28, 2020: Hybrid schedule BOTH Virtual and In-Person learners are designated as "Blue" and "Gold". Blue students have the last name that starts with A-K and Gold students have the last name that starts with L-Z. All students, regardless of hybrid or virtual, will be informed by their teacher about class attendance expectations, which means that students may be asked to Zoom into class on days that you are not scheduled to be in-person. BOTH Virtual and In-Person schedule times have changed. The day begins at 8:00 am and ends at 2:54 pm. Elective rotation schedule Electives will rotate AA/BB every week. Friday is asynchronous for all classes. Attendance will be taken on the days that your child is scheduled to be in class. We are monitoring attendance for both in-person and virtual students. Please watch the COVID-19 Saline Middle School Safety Protoco...