Saline MIddle School Hornet Highlights for Sunday, September 20, 2020

 Principal's Message:

We hope that you are enjoying this beautiful weekend and settling into virtual learning.  We will be sending a separate email later this week as we solidify information as it relates to the hybrid schedule.  Thank you for your continued support, patience and flexibility!  It is truly appreciated.  

Please remember that if your child is going to be absent, even remotely, please call the Saline Middle School front office to report attendance at 734-401-4600; press #1 for attendance.

Elective Schedule for the Week:

7th/8th Grade Synchronous/Asychronous Schedule for the week: 6th Grade; please see your teacher's weekly communication for detailed schedule.

Important/New Information:

1.  Please check out these important documents with details specific to Covid illness in school:

What Happens When Someone Gets Covid

Flowchart for Symptomatic Individuals

2.  It is time to order a yearbook!  Visit Walsworth Yearbooks @ and search Saline Middle School to order your yearbook today!

3.  Do you want a photo considered for the yearbook?

4.  If you are coming into Saline Middle School for a meeting, please fill out the Health Screener before your arrival.  Your cooperation with this is appreciated.

5.  Here is the latest version of the SAS Connected Learning Plan. This includes updates to sample schedules and a new flow chart for health scenarios.

6.  Need tech help?  The SAS Tech Department is here to help!  Fill this form out with your tech questions and problems.



On behalf of F.E.M.M.E.S. at the University of Michigan, we would like to invite your students to our Fall Capstone events! 

The F.E.M.M.E.S. Fall Capstone events this year will be a set of hour-long virtual sessions held from 11 AM - 12 PM every Saturday from October 10th to November 21st, for 4th to 6th graders. These events will expose students to various interactive STEM activities, allow them to gain hands-on experience in performing some experiments and projects, and give them an opportunity to interact with women pursuing college degrees and careers in STEM. The final session on November 21st will feature Dr. Jade Burns, Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan School of Nursing, as our Keynote speaker! All of the events are specifically designed to support girls+ in developing confidence and interest in STEM fields, but like all F.E.M.M.E.S activities, is open to students of all genders.

Students can register for our event via this online link: The registration deadline is Wednesday, September 30th. 

We will provide our participants with all of the materials required to perform these activities from the comfort of their homes while they attend our event. This materials packet will also contain an instruction manual for students who would like to attend the events but are unable to do so virtually. Participants can indicate their preferences during registration and we will provide them with the materials packets accordingly. 

Please reach out to me with any questions. You can also read more about F.E.M.M.E.S. on our website:

We hope your students can join our virtual Fall Capstone events!



Colleen Riordan

F.E.M.M.E.S. Outreach Coordinator


*We support inclusive definitions of "women," and welcome all people who identify as women, including transgender and non-binary women.

Saline Middle School will be hosting a blood drive on Wednesday, September 23rd

Scan your box tops to support SMS!


As we begin to think about coming back to school:

For the health and safety of our students, the local public health department requires students to be screened for symptoms of COVID-19 before entering the school building. The local public health department and CDC do not recommend that on site screening be conducted by schools due to the time and interruption to education this would cause. 

We ask that you complete the steps of the student screening protocol below, prior to sending your child to school, school activities, or sports. Your completion of these steps affirms your understanding and agreement to perform daily symptom screenings for your child. If you answer "yes" to any of the questions below, or if your child's temperature is 100.4 F or higher, DO NOT send your child to school.

  • Fever or chills?

  • Cough?

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?

  • Fatigue?

  • Muscle or body aches?

  • Headache?

  • Loss of taste or smell?

  • Sore throat?

  • Congestion or runny nose?

  • Nausea or vomiting?

  • Diarrhea?

We need your commitment to screen your child(ren) daily for the 2020-2021 school year, unless otherwise directed. Please also understand and commit to call Saline Area Schools as soon as possible to let them know if your child is not going to school due to potential COVID-19 symptoms.

Upcoming Dates:

Wednesday, September 23rd:  Red Cross Blood Drive (Must be 18 or older)

Monday, September 28th:  First Day of the Hybrid Model

Thursday, October 15th:  Picture Retake Day 

Friday, October 16th:  Day of for Students and Staff-Mid-Fall Break

Friday, October 30th:  First Early Release Day

Please remember:

If you would like to contribute to the Saline Middle School Office Library, go here:


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