Saline Middle School Class of 2027 Transition Information (Updated Sunday, March 5, 2021)


Good Morning Class of 2026 and 2027 Families!

As we prepare to develop 7th and 8th grade student schedules for the 2021-22 school year, our school counselors, Mrs. Chambers and Mr. Stimac, need the elective course and learning management system (Summit Learning, Google Classroom, or No Preference) selections for all students.

Please read through the following 2021-22 Scheduling Document promptly and complete the four required steps with your student by March 12, 2021

Students are responsible for entering their elective course preferences into PowerSchool. Students will receive the following document with scheduling information. Additionally, Mrs. Chambers and Mr. Stimac will send out communication on the course selection process though Google Classroom to their students. 

The parent / guardian input form will be released separately in April for families.

Please let me know if you have any questions.




Hello Saline Middle School Families,

As more information is released for the Class of 2027, we will post it here.  

Here is the recording from the presentation on Thursday, February 25, 2021.  

Here is the presentation.


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